Thursday, March 18, 2010

Please take a second and watch this video

Where have the days gone? My twins have stopped napping so things have gotten a little crazy. However, the vegan lifestyle continues to go well. It's been 4 weeks now and I still feel great! I keep trying to figure out if I will stick to this when Lent is over. I just feel so good that I would like to keep it up. Also, I just watched the above video and now feel like I can't really go back when I see things like this. This really happens, it is in our country and people need to be aware of it.

I have a couples supper club this weekend and I will be bringing a vegan dessert. I can't wait to try the recipe because of what I've read, no one will be able to tell that it's vegan....meaning it has no dairy or eggs in it. I'll let you know how it goes.

Tonight a group of girls are going to Bambu for sushi. I am so excited because sushi is a vegan treat! I know that there will be plenty on the menu for me to choose from and that makes this girl very, very happy!

My new discovery this week is the mock chicken salad at Whole Foods! Can I say delish? Wow! I couldn't even tell it wasn't meat when the guy behind the deli counter let me sample it. He says it actually sells better than the regular chicken salad to meat eaters alike.

Eating out is still a little challenging, but if I do my research ahead of time it's not too bad. I think all in all that is the hardest part about this lifestyle. There is usually something I can have on the menu.

I've been wanting to post links to other vegan blogs, foods, resources, etc but I've been having some technical difficulties with the blog. Hopefully I can get those figured out and pass them along. Until then....have a great sunshiny day!

You are what you eat!

Live life to the fullest, it's the only one you've got!

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